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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Avais for?

Avais is for volleyball athletes that strive to become the best. Avais is for all ages, wether your a absolute beginner to a professional Avais can always help you improve your game.

Is Avais only available on iPhones?

Yes, at the moment we are currently only available for iPhones. We do have plans on programming the app for Android devices as well.

Is Avais Safe?

Avais is extremely safe! We don't sell or release any of our customer information as we believe privacy is super important.

Is there a free trial?

Yes, we do offer a 14 day free trial. You will receive access to all of our features and we will still same your game footage and stats once your trial ends.

How many spots are there for the beta version?

There is only 9,000 spots we give to use our beta program. In order to be selected you must apply through our contact us page.

Is there anything else I will need?

You are required to have the phone on a tripod when using Avais. We also highly recommend a phone cooler when in a outdoor setting as most times it would cause your phone to overheat. We sell both items on our website with free shipping.